
A New Day provides residents with 24-hour care, 7 days a week in a safe, homelike environment while still providing the supervision, counseling & specialized treatment that they need.

Intake Services

Upon placement with A New Day, each child is met with individually to access & determine their personal & emotional needs, medical issues, educational needs, problem areas and their concerns. A treatment plan is then created by licensed professionals to address that resident’s individual needs. In addition to individual counselling, every resident attends weekly group counselling sessions to help them develop essential social skills. In addition, licensed staff members provide any medication needs for the resident and all residents receive proper medical and dental care & visits.

Ongoing Assessment

Ongoing Assessment

During their stay, every resident undergoes psychological, physical and emotional changes and we understand the importance of updating each resident’s treatment plan to address these changes. Our programs and ongoing assessments are designed to help our residents address & overcome their past issues to problems and move forward to heal, learn who they really are, discover their personal worth & talents and grow into healthy, active, productive members of society.

Social & Personal Skills Learning

Many of our residents come from situations where they have been subjected to and/or experienced negative relationships, a lack of proper hygiene management, improper money management, drug and/or alcohol abuse and sexual abuse. As children from 7 – 17 years old, they absorb everything around them and often fall into the negative patterns they have been subjected to and/or participated in. We provide them with an extremely different, healthy environment and teach them the basic social & personal skills that they need to have a successful daily life and healthy relationships with themselves and others. By teaching them proper hygiene skills, money management & budgeting, cleaning, laundry & organization techniques, we give them the power to overcome and prosper. In addition, we focus on social skills such as self awareness, taking responsibility for their actions, drug, alcohol & sexual awareness (and treatment when necessary) and social safety issues. While most of these issues can be started at age 7, some of them are introduced when they are old enough & emotionally mature enough to understand and benefit from them.

Objectives & Commitments

A New Day was created to provide a Safe, Nurturing & Caring environment for boys, 7-17 years old that are troubled due to family trauma, behavioral problems, academic problems, emotional instability and backgrounds of abuse & neglect. We are dedicated to:

  1. working with residents to develop discipline, cooperation appropriate social skills.
  2. assessing each resident’s Individual needs to promote personal growth & to address problem areas.
  3. assisting residents with school performance (providing tutoring needed).
  4. enhancing the residents’ emotional states through individual group counselling.
  5. meeting the individual needs of each resident to provide them with a solid foundation built around mental, emotional and spiritual health.

However, as a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, we cannot do it alone. While we are funded by the Texas Department of Family Protection Services, we also depend on the community to help with local business donations and personal donations.